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Capturing Hope and Unity: A Photographer's Glimpse of Obliteride at Gas Works Park

Against the backdrop of the iconic Seattle skyline and the tranquil waters of Lake Union, Gas Works Park transformed into a hub of energy and compassion during the Obliteride fundraiser. Cyclists of all ages and skill levels pedaled with purpose, fueled by their commitment to raising funds for innovative cancer research at the renowned Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

The event wasn't just about raising funds; it was a platform for the community to come together and share their stories, their triumphs, and their hopes for a cancer-free world. Obliteride showcased the incredible impact that collective action can have in the fight against cancer. Each participant knew that every mile and every dollar raised brought us one step closer to obliterating cancer.

As the day drew to a close and the sun dipped below the horizon, I felt a sense of fulfillment, knowing that my photographs would serve as visual echoes of this extraordinary event. Obliteride wasn't just a fundraiser; it was a movement, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of unity. Through the lens of Red Fish Blue Fish photography, I had the honor of capturing a glimpse of the indomitable force working towards a cancer-free future at Gas Works Park.