Capturing the Legacy of Dr. Phil Smiley: A Photo Session to Remember

A Warm Welcome from Phil

Meeting Dr. Phil Smiley was an inspiring experience right from the beginning. He insisted that I call him "Phil" instead of any formal title. This set the tone for our photo session, which was bound to be relaxed, personal, and genuine. His warm and friendly nature immediately put me at ease, creating the perfect environment for creative collaboration.

A Passion for Aviation

One of the most striking aspects of Phil's office was his extensive collection of airplane models and photographs from his time in the Navy. These weren't just decorative pieces; each one had a story to tell. It was evident that his passion for aviation had transcended his military career and become a lifelong love affair. As we spoke about his experiences, it was impossible not to be captivated by his tales of adventure and duty.

A Passion for Aviation

One of the most striking aspects of Phil's office was his extensive collection of airplane models and photographs from his time in the Navy. These weren't just decorative pieces; each one had a story to tell. It was evident that his passion for aviation had transcended his military career and become a lifelong love affair. As we spoke about his experiences, it was impossible not to be captivated by his tales of adventure and duty.

Living in Close Proximity to DERU

An interesting tidbit that came up in our conversation was Phil's residence, which was located dangerously close to the DERU restaurant, a mere 300 yards away. I mentioned the temptation of their HEIRLOOM CARROT CAKE, which happens to be my favorite dessert. Phil mentioned his weakness for CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH SALTED CARAMEL DRIZZLE. The delightful conversation about life's little indulgences showcased Phil's down-to-earth personality and relatability, making it clear that despite his impressive background, he was a man of simple pleasures.

Inspired by Top Gun

As I contemplated how to capture Phil's essence, the idea of recreating a famous photo from the movie "Top Gun" came to mind. I shared this concept with Phil, who was more than willing to give it a try. The iconic image of Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis in their aviation attire, with jets in the background, was a thrilling prospect. It was a nod to his Naval history and a testament to his willingness to embrace a creative endeavor.

The Involvement of Three Granddaughters

During our photo session, we had an unexpected yet heartwarming surprise. Phil's three granddaughters, who lived directly across the street, decided to join in. Their excitement and enthusiasm brought an entirely new dimension to the shoot. It was a beautiful representation of family, love, and the passing down of values from one generation to the next. This impromptu addition made the shoot even more special and meaningful.


Photographing Dr. Phil Smiley, or simply "Phil," was an unforgettable experience. His dedication to his country, his love for aviation, and his warm and welcoming nature left a lasting impression. The Top Gun-inspired photo session and the involvement of his granddaughters added a personal touch to the assignment, highlighting the importance of family bonds and the legacy we leave behind. Phil's story is a reminder that even those with distinguished careers and accomplishments are just as human as the rest of us, cherishing life's simple pleasures and the moments that matter most. It was a privilege to capture his unique essence and share his inspiring story with GREET magazine's readers.

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